Thursday, February 27, 2014

Throwback Thursday My Choice is The Maltese Falcon by Dashiell Hammett

 I was thinking about classic mysteries that I think all mystery lovers should read and probably right up there on the list with Agatha Christie and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle would be the all time great mystery The Maltese Falcon by Dashiell Hammett. This classic is just as good today as when it was written and I believe everyone should read it and add it to their libraries.

Sam Spade is a tough private detective who has to find out who has killed his partner and how does the Maltese Falcon fit into the picture. He is the kind of dogged detective that gets a hold of the bone so to speak and doesn't let go, if Sam is on your trail you might as well give up.  I love the quote “Yes,' Spade growled. 'And when you're slapped you'll take it and like it.' He released Cairo's wrist and with a thick open hand struck the side of his face three times savagely.”
Dashiell Hammett, The Maltese Falcon    

This is probably one of my favorite all time books and characters. I hope if you haven't read it you will. So for my Throwback Thursday choice is The Maltese Falcon by Dashiell Hammett. Please give it a try Sam Spade won't disappoint.

Until next time:


Wednesday, February 26, 2014

New Cozy Series and I love it

 Today I am trying to catch up on some of my Reviews of books I have finished recently. I have been doing a lot of reading and have been lucky to read some really good books. One of the books I read was    Final Sentence by Daryl Wood Gerber Final Sentence  A Cookbook Nook Mystery By Daryl Wood Gerber which is a new cozy mystery series and I will give it 5 stars.

Jenna returns home to Crystal Cove to open a Cookbook store and café with her Aunt Vera hoping to find a new start and be able to move on after her husbands death. Her life gets real interesting when her friend Desiree Divine, who is the first celebrity chef to come sign her books at the store, ends up  murdered and Jenna is consider a suspect. Jenna has to solve her friends murder and get her name off the suspect list without becoming a victim too.

I love the idea of a Cookbook store like this one that has more than just cookbooks, it has the cookbooks, cooking supplies and culinary cozy mysteries. What a great idea and I really found myself wishing that I could go to this shop or better yet own it. The suspects on the list of could be killers is enough to keep you guessing to the end of the book. Jenna is a strong, capable, but at times emotional woman, who is determined to make sure the sheriff, whose mother is bent on making Jenna the one convicted of the murder, take her off the suspect list  and to find the real killer. She gets into to some sticky situations and puts herself in danger trying to find the answers. I enjoyed the book and the plot and setting were unique. This is a winner and I can't wait till the next one comes out on 4 March 2014
Picture of Inherit the Word.
Inherit The Word A Cookbook Nook Mystery by Daryl Wood Gerber

If you would like to read an excerpt from Final Sentence you could check out this link

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Throwback Thursday Agatha Christie Fan from Teen Years

This Throwback Thursday I wanted to share my love of Agatha Christie. I think from the first book of hers I read I loved her. I read Murder On The Orient Express and I jumped on that train of Christie Fans and I never got off it. I love Agatha Christie books and I decided to read all her books again when I was given as a gift some of her books. I decided to read them from the beginning and not jump around if I can. I started with her first book of Hercule Piorot The Mysterious Affair at Styles (Hercule Poirot #1) by Agatha Christie
The Mysterious Affair at Styles

I enjoyed reading this again as much if not more than when I read it the first time.

  Hastings is recovering from a war injury and joins an old friend at his family home Styles. Mrs. Inglethorpe the step mother of Hastings friend John is poisoned while Hastings is staying there.
Hastings enlists the help of the Belgian detective Hercule Poirot to help find the killer. Hercule leads Hastings around trying to groom him into using his as Hercule would say "his little grey cells" to find the killer. We see from this first book that Hercule is pompous, full of himself and very good as a detective while Hastings seems to always jump to the wrong conclusions and Poirot has to show him the errors of his ways in Hastings thinking.

Their are many suspects that could have killed Mrs. Inglethorpe so it isn't an obvious easy mystery but one that you have to keep changing how you think and who you think has done the deed.

You can't go wrong reading this book either again or for the first time. Agatha Christie has a way of keeping your interest by never making the murder simple and easy to solve.

I hope if you have never read any of Agatha Christie's books that you will give them a try and maybe start from the beginning with this book.

Until Next time:


Thursday, February 6, 2014

Throw Back Thursday Mystery from childhood

The Secret of the Old Clock (Nancy Drew, #1)Today on Throwback Thursday I wanted to share another one of my favorite mystery series that I still have to admit I read today when I am feeling nostalgic and that is the Nancy Drew Mysteries. Who as a kid didn't want to be Nancy Drew or one of the Hardy Boys. I can still remember reading the first Nancy Drew Mystery The Secret of the Old Clock (Nancy Drew #1)
Next I read  The Hidden Staircase (Nancy Drew #2) by
The Hidden Staircase (Nancy Drew, #2)

Until Next time: