Thursday, December 15, 2016

A Fun Cozy Give Me Chocolate A Kelly Clark Mystery by Annie Hansen My Review

Give Me Chocolate Kelly Clark Mystery by Annie Hansen is the first book in the series which I look forward to reading more of. It is a delicious mixture of mystery, romance, family, and a fun fast interesting read.

Kelly has returned home to Geneva IL trying to put her past horror behind her but when her past and try to make a new start. Things were getting better but then her past comes back to bite her and her world gets turned upside down again. Is she really in danger again or is the crazed Gina just crazy? Who is she being warned against and is the warning really necessary. Did the beloved Fran who works in her sister Nikki's Chocolate Lover store die of natural causes or was she killed? Who can she trust and what is going on with her sister Adelle and her husband? Will Kelly be able to find these answers and move on from her past and fear? Will she be able to pursue a relationship with and old beau Jack or is he someone to avoid?  Can Kelly let her guard down and feel whole and normal again or just when she does will the true danger begin?  You will have to read it to find out I won't give it away.

This book started to me off a little slow but sometimes that happens in a first book when you have to set the characters up and the plot. After a few pages though you find yourself enthralled and wanting to know more and find out what is happening. It is a fast read but one that once you get into it you won't want to put it down till all your questions are answered and you find out who, what and why things are happening again and is Kelly in danger.

Give Me Chocolate is written where you can just picture being right in the middle of the bakery at Chocolate Love with all that is going on and feel right at home. The family dynamics add to this book because we all know how families can get but when the chips are down we band together. The story is believable and has some good twists. I enjoyed the book and if you like a good fast cozy that has love, romance, family oriented, and a puzzle or two then you will enjoy this book. The only thing is you might have to push through the first few pages to get to the interesting part just don't give up I don't think you will be disappointed.

I received this book from the Author for my honest opinion and review.

If you would like to know more about this book and series or the author go here:

If you would like to purchase this book you can here:



Thursday, December 8, 2016

Funny Charming 5 Star Read You Won't Want To Miss A Ghostly Reunion by Tonya Kappes

Funny, Charming, Fantastic, Great, read, can you tell  I love this book A Ghostly Reunion A Ghostly Southern Mystery book 5 by Tonya Kappes.

A Synopsis: Emma Lee Raines sees dead people
Proprietor of the Eternal Slumber Funeral Home, Emma Lee can see, hear, and talk to ghosts of murdered folks. And when her high school nemesis is found dead, Jade Lee Peel is the same old mean girl—trying to come between Emma Lee and her hot boyfriend, Sheriff Jack Henry Ross, all over again.
There’s only one way for Emma Lee to be free of the trash-talking ghost—solve the murder so the former prom queen can cross over.
But the last thing Jade Lee wants is to leave the town where she had her glory days. And the more Emma Lee investigates on her own, the more complicated Miss Popularity turns out to be. Now Emma Lee will have to work extra closely with her hunky lawman to get to the twisty truth.

My Review:
When Emma Lee's high school reunion brings Jade Lee back to town and the town is swooning over her Emma Lee is seeing red, but when Jade Lee is murdered and Emma Lee has to help her cross over the fun just begins. Can she find the killer and put up with Jade Lee's ghost while keeping the town from thinking she has the Funeral Trauma? What will she find and can she find the killer without putting herself and others at risk?

I was so excited to receive and ARC of this book because it is one of my favorite series and I loved this book. Once again Tonya Kappes has combined a great mystery with exceptional characters, while making you feel right at home with the small town southern charm. I love Granny and how eccentric she can be. I love the rivalry between Emma Lee and her sister Charlotte Rae especially in there competition on who gets to do the funeral of the famous or infamous Jade Lee Peel. One of my favorite unusual lines is when Emma Lee catches her sister trying to wrangle Jade's father into choosing her to do the funeral. Emma Lee is furious and tells her sister " Just you remember" I warned, " the sun don't always shine on the same dog's tail all the time. I'll remember this" I laughed when I read this what a great line to end an argument with, southern charm at its best.

 What better job could a funeral director have than being the one who sees the ghosts of murdered people and to help them cross over. It is a unique read where you have so many possible suspects and a good fast paced puzzle that you enjoy putting together while at times laughing out loud. It has all the right elements to make it a very enjoyable, interesting  book that you don't want to put down or miss. 

One of my favorite things is when Granny walks in and finds Emma still in bed. "Are you still in the bed?" Granny turned the corner into my bedroom . She flipped on the light. "Get up. It's six o'clock and it's not good for your mental health to sleep all day." So funny I am always getting into trouble with my kids and grand kids for telling them if they aren't up by 5 or 6 am that they are sleeping the day away. Granny would be so much fun to hang with.

I loved this book and can't wait to read the next one in the series especially on how this one ended. I couldn't believe it! Talk about a cliff hanger! I actually said out loud NO You can't leave us like this to which my husband start laughing at me. The ending was  so unexpected the next book can't come out fast enough.

Don't miss out on this wonderful book you can buu your book now at:

OFFICIAL BIO For Tonya Kappes
For years, USA Today bestselling author Tonya Kappes has been publishing numerous mystery and romance titles with unprecedented success. She is famous not only for her hilarious plot lines and quirky characters, but her tremendous marketing efforts that have earned her thousands of followers and a devoted street team of fans.

If you want to learn more about Tonya Kappes and her books check out her website at:

You can also follow her on facebook at:



Don't miss out make sure you pre order your book today!

Until Next Time:


Saturday, November 5, 2016

Get Witch or Die Trying an interview with Mrs Hubbard and review of book

Get Witch or Die Trying  SPIES and Spells book 3 by Tonya Kappes. I would like to introduce you to Mrs Hubbard and thank Mrs Hubbard for stopping by the blog this morning.

Me: What is it like living next door to Aunt Meme and the family?

Mrs Hubbard: Well...when they first moved in I was so excited! A family with two little girls. Who doesn't love to have little girls playing tag, barbies, and hopscotch on the sidewalk. That didn't happen. They didn't play at all. And when they did, they loved to dress up like witches. Their mother let them. Not that I'm watching, but you can't help but keep an eye open when flashes of purple and orange light up their windows. I tried to see inside, just to make sure there wasn't an explosion or anything, but they keep their blinds closed tighter than bark on a tree.
Have you met that nasty Meme? She's the aunt. Who knows where the male figure in that family is, but that old one, not that I'm much younger, but she's flat out  mean. She goes out of her way to make my life miserable. At least, I  think she goes out of her way. If I could afford to leave, I just might up and move off of Belgravia Court.

Me: What makes you so suspicious of them? 

Mrs Hubbard: Honey, weren't you listening? They have strange things going on over there. Strange lights, puffs of smoke, going in and out at all hours of the night. And. . .they never seem to age. Ever!

Me : Do you think you and Meme will ever be able to get along? 

Mrs. Hubbard: I can get along with anyone like bees to honey. It's her that you'd have to ask that question.

Me: What do you think goes on over there? 

Mrs Hubbard: I just don't know. I have used my noggin' a time or two to come up with some sort of reasonable explanation and no one wants to listen to me. Not that I complain. . .much. 

Me: How long have you lived in Belgravia Court? 

Mrs. Hubbard: I've been there for at least thirty years. I can't fully remember. But way before them. You know. Them

Well thank you Mrs Hubbard for spending your Morning with us.
Get Witch or Die Trying (Spies and Spells Book 3) by [Kappes, Tonya]

My review:

Get Witch or Die Trying has all the right ingredients mixed together to stir up into a great, fun, unique cozy mystery.

When Mick is suspected of murdering the women he knows then Maggie is called in to SKUL to help find out who is murdering them and help clear Mick. Will she be able to find the killer, help Mick and continue her life's Journey all before she becomes the next victim?

I thoroughly  enjoyed this book. It really shows how much Maggie is growing and settling into her life's Journey. it is funny at times and suspenseful too.  I like that in this book we see more of who Mick really is and he is learning just how special Maggie is and that he can trust and rely on her. it gets intense and I think the suspicious person watching lurking around adds to the intrigue.

I think it is funny how Mrs. Hubbard and Aunt Meme spar in this one. Mrs Hubbard reminds me of a neighbor I had growing up.  She sure can add a bit of trouble trying keep their witchy ways a secret while trying to help Mick out. I think  she the adds a dimension that keeps this book and series fun.

I know that if you like a cozy with a great plot, that can be funny at times and suspenseful at other times, and has suspects that keep you guessing who is responsible for the murders and throw in the witchy ways of Maggie, Vinnie and her family and you have a must read entertaining fun book and series. Be sure to get your copy, you won't want to miss this one. I can not wait for the next adventure of Maggie and Mick in the next book.

You can buy your book:

If you want to know more about the author Tonya Kappes and her books check out her website:

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

A Charming Voodoo Scavenger Hunt.

Winner  chosen by for a free audio book from the Magical Cures Mystery Series audio series picked by Tonya Kappes is Brandy Barber please send me your email address

I am so excited to be a part of this A Charming Voodoo Scavenger Hunt Tour. We have 2 contests so be sure to enter both of them.

Bubble. . . bubble. . . 
Whispering Falls is abuzz with the new 
housing development and new shops 
popping up all over the magical 
village right before the annual All 
Hallow’s Eve celebration. 

Cures and trouble. . . 
June Heal’s intuition 
is on high alert and she just can’t shake 
that something bad is about to happen. 

Magic stirs . . . 
June finds Violet Draper standing over a dead body 
In the new pumpkin patch hours before it’s supposed 
to open for hayrides. 

And trouble doubles . . . 
Once again, June has to put her sleuthing skills to work 
and figure out who the real killer is before the new 
citizens pack up and move right back out of town

My Review:

Tonya has another 5 star hit with A Charming Voodoo. June  and Oscar are back from their honeymoon and life after marriage begins. Whispering Falls is getting ready for the All Hallows Eve celebration and things are changing with all the new shops, and even mortals being able to live with in the village. June;s intuition is sending her signals and trouble seems to be just around the corner when a body is found in the pumpkin patch. Can June figure out what is going on and who the killer is?

I really enjoy this series and this book was one of my favorite now in the series. I f you ever have experience that uneasy feeling and uncertainty but just couldn't put your finger on what is making you feel that way then I think you know how June feels when her intuition kicks in.  Tonya paints a picture of Whispering Falls and you can just imagine all the shops and how it looks getting ready for the celebration. You can almost feel the cool crisp air and smell the pumpkins as you go with June on this journey.  The book and series is full of fun unusual characters, a magical town, and a good plot and puzzle all wrapped up in a fast paced, funny, quirky book that grabs you and keeps you reading because you don't want to miss anything.  I couldn't put it down and I can not wait to find out what is next for June, Oscar and all of Whispering Falls.

**First Giveaway is for a free audio book from the Magical Cures Mystery Series audio series picked by Tonya Kappes. To be entered answer this question in the comments and I will once again use to pick a winner with the right answer. Here's the question: If you go to  look at the top and tell me what is the name of her new cozy series coming in 2017? While you are there you can, if you are so inclined and why wouldn't you be, sign up for her newsletter.

***Giveaway 2 is the Grand Prize.***

Enter through this rafflecopter and good luck to all.

Make sure you don't miss the other stops on the tour. You can keep up with all the fun on facebook page at this link below.

Thanks for joining me in the fun and make sure to enter both contests. Be sure to get your copy of the book and too. You can pre order your copy now at



Friday, September 23, 2016

Grave Heritage A Darcy and Flora Mystery by Blanche Manos is an exceptional mystery

Grave Heritage (Darcy & Flora Cozy Mystery Book 4) by [Manos, Blanche Day]

Grave Heritage A Darcy & Flora Cozy Mystery by Blanche Day Manos is another great book in this series. I think each book has gotten better and this one is no exception. I love the relationship between Darcy and her mother Flora and how they are strong, faithful, intelligent women. This book grabs you from page one and keeps you reading because you never know what is going to happen next. I could not put it down.

Darcy and Flora have an unexpected visitor come to the door in the middle of a storm. The mystery starts right then when the man takes one look at Flora and runs only to be discovered later dead when Darcy stumbles over him at old Ben's house and Jasper is suspected of maybe murdering him. The mystery deepens when Mort the newspaper man dies too. There are other puzzles popping up, things from the past that Darcy is bound and determined to figure out, as well as a new mysterious Pastor. All  of this adds up to one intriguing read. Will Darcy and Flora be able to figure out the mysteries, as well as try to clear poor Jasper of the murder before they are in danger too?

I really enjoyed this book. It has all the right elements with several puzzles, mysteries and more than one suspect with an unique situation or two where you don't see what is coming next. I love that they are women of faith and that the author Blanche Day Manos adds this into what makes these two women strong.  I love the small town atmosphere and the way that the outdoors and nature plays into the story and adds that extra element of tension and uncertainty. I can not find enough adjectives to describe just how much I love this book and series. If you like a good cozy mystery with a good plot, puzzles, faith, strong characters then you have to read this book.

Blanche Day Manos has a way with her writing that you can just feel the tension and uneasiness that her characters feel. Here is one of many examples of that
"My scalp tightened and the hairs on my arms stood up. A strange feeling came over me. Someone, somewhere, was watching us. I gazed around the yard but saw no one. All was quiet. The serenity of the afternoon belied the loss of life which had happened here. Were my nerves so overwrought they were playing tricks on me? Obviously, no one was around, but the cold feeling of dread was real."

I love how Darcy explains about the small town Levi " Levi is a small town, I said, " and a stranger might think everyone here lives a peaceful, open life, but I believe we have as many secrets as we have trees. This quiet surface is deceptive." Doesn't that just imply so many puzzles and mysteries that Darcy and Flora still have to solve.

My most favorite quote that really struck a chord with me was when Darcy talked about how her mother Flora in the midst of all the chaos has a strength that she gets from her faith and she states how important reading the Bible is to her mother.

 " I need to have my daily spiritual vitamins," she had told me more than once." Wow that  is so powerful when you think about it.. Strength comes from our knowing and reading the Bible and boy do they both need it from what they have to face in this adventure.

I can't wait for the next adventure that Darcy and Flora find themselves in.

If you would like to purchase this book or the other books in the series you can from here:

You can learn more about Blanche Day Manos and her books at

I hope you will read this book and series. It is a great adventure.

I received this book from the Publisher for my honest opinion and review

Until Next time:


Friday, September 16, 2016

Pumpkins In Paradise By Kathi Daley Fun, Fast Cozy Mystery.

Pumpkins in Paradise (A Tj Jensen Mystery Book 1) by [Daley, Kathi]

What a delightful, fun and great mystery is found in Pumpkins in Paradise A TJ Jensen Mystery by Kathi Daley.  It is a great cozy mystery with fun believable characters and the best setting in a small town and  lake resort in the mountains.

TJ helps her Dad run the resort while teaching school and being the ski coach as well as raising her two younger half sisters. The setting is perfect with the lake, cabins and resort. It is somewhere you really would love to go and relax especially if you like the outdoors. The small town with its interesting people and  the pumpkin festival, along with a few quirky characters, a new Deputy, and some a past that is full of intrigue  and you have a good mystery with many suspects, a little romance and a special friendship that is ended by murder. All of this equals to a good book that you won't want to put down.

TJ has a friendship with old Zachary Collins, a recluse  she would visit and on those visits they would talk and Zachary  would have puzzles and riddles for TJ to figure out. TJ's visits were a highlight to his days since  he never left his house. So when TJ  finds him dead in his chair and things don't seem right to her, she has to convince the new Deputy that this is a murder and not just a death of an old man. Can she convince him and find out why Zachary was murdered and who the murderer is? Will Zachary's past and his murder be the last puzzle and riddle that TJ has to solve? I won't spoil it and tell you, but you will want to find out by reading  this book.

This is the first book in the TJ Jensen series and well worth the reading. I think that when you can picture yourself in the town, or can relate to the characters it makes the book more fun to read and this book is like that. There is believable suspects and more than just one so that it makes you read to the end to figure out who the culprit is and why they commit the murder. You have just a enough romance to make it interesting and some emotional situations that add to the book. This is one of those books that you pick up and want to read straight through because you get so caught up in it.

I highly recommend this book and series. If you are a fan of the outdoors, romance, a good mystery and puzzle, with very relatable characters you will enjoy this book and series.

If you would like to buy this book you can at:

If you want to know more about the author Kathi Daley or her books check out these sites:

If you would like to follow  Kathi Daley you can at

I hope you will pick this book up and read it. I think you will enjoy this book and the series. The next book in the series is Snowmen in Paradise.
Snowmen in Paradise (A Tj Jensen Mystery Book 2) by [Daley, Kathi]

Until Next Time:


Saturday, September 3, 2016

Count Down To Paradise Giveaway and Review of Pumpkins in Paradise


I am very pleased to be a part of Kathi Daley's Countdown to Paradise Event
Her  TJ Jensen Cozy Mystery series is being re-released and you can pre-order yours now. 

I also have a contest going on and all you have to do is:
1.  Leave a comment on this post with your email address
2.  Also tell me  your choice of  which one of the TJ Jensen books you would like to win  and I will use and pick a winner.

**Contest runs until midnight  central time tonight Sept 3, 2016 . I will announce the winner here and on Kathi Daley's FB page on Sept. 4, 2016. You will have 72hrs to claim your prize or another winner will be chosen. Again The winner will have their  choice of any one book of the 6 Tj Jensen books. The winner can choose an ebook or Paperback NON US winner is eligible for an ebook only.

It is easy to Keep up with Author Kathi Daley by following these links below.

Kathi Daley Books Facebook Page:

Kathi Daley on twitter

Follow Kathi Daley on goodreads 

 Here are the links to some fun events you won't want to miss:

Countdown to Paradise Event page:

Pumpkins in Paradise Book Club:

Here are the 6 books in the TJ Jensen Series by Kathi Daley

Pumpkins in Paradise (A Tj Jensen Mystery Book 1) by [Daley, Kathi]

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Betting Off Dead Blog Tour, Review and Giveaway

Interview With Maggie Parks Lead Sleuth from Betting Off Dead

1)     Tell us a little bit about yourself.

I grew up on Belgravia Court in Old Louisville, Kentucky. It’s a little quaint area just a little ways from the city so it really doesn’t feel like city living. I went to mortal school during the day and witch school at night. Vinnie is my 1965 AC Cobra sports car that is definitely not your average familiar. He’s a tab bit jealous and doesn’t like for hunky men like Mick Jasper sitting in the passenger seat.

And Mick…he’s a dream! He is a spy with SKUL and I just so happened to have put a spell on him, only the spell didn’t work and we ended up solving a crime together. SKUL believes that I blend in as the average citizen and hired me to do what I like to call snooping around, only I snoop using my witchy ways. Sure it’s gotten us in a couple of tangles, but nothing I can’t wiggle my nose at.

2)     What has been your favorite adventure? I love all of them, but the main one that sticks out has been how I have pretended to be married to Mick while we were undercover. So much fun.

3)     What is your favorite treat? Definitely my Auntie Meme’s apple pie! So delish. She owns a little diner, The Brew.

4)     Are you and Mick ever going to get married? Whoa! That’s a little early in the story, so I guess you are going to have to keep reading.

5)     What is your favorite thing to do as a witch? My sister, Lilith and I have so much fun playing Truth or Spell. That’s how I got to know Mick. I lost to my sister and she spelled me to put a cat spell on Mick, only the spell didn’t work. That’s how I knew my witchy hour had come to be and I knew I was destined to become Mick Jasper’s partner.

6)     What do you see in your next adventure? I know that Tonya is going to keep writing new and fun adventures for me and Mick. In the next novel, Get Witch or Die Trying, Mick has been falsely accused of something and I have to help him.  


And they're off! 
Gambling on horse racing is Kentucky's number one sport but when Kentucky Derby Thoroughbred picked to win the Derby, Rails and Nails, ends up poisoned, SKUL special agent Mick Jasper and rookie witch Maggie Park, who keeps her witch powers a secret, are called in to investigate a world of illegal gambling where a run for the roses can prove to be deadly.
My Review:

LOVED Betting Off Dead book two of the Spies and Spells Cozy Mystery Series by Tonya Kappes. It has mystery,witches, ornery neighbors and family, as well as southern charm and pizzazz. I love the small town setting and the way Tonya Kappes describes it you could picture walking in the streets of Belgravia Court.

This book grabs you right from the start and keeps your interest as well as keeping you guessing till the very end. It is a fun, fast, at times laugh out loud book that you won't want to miss.

Maggie is once again called upon to help hunky Mick Jasper and SKUL to solve a crime against the very fabric of Kentucky history when they have to investigate and find out who is trying to sway the results of the Kentucky Derby by doping the horses. Things become dangerous and Maggie and Mick must find who is behind the scandal and murder before anyone else is hurt. Can they do it and can Maggie keep Mick from finding out that she has magical powers while working along side him in their pursuit for SKUL?

I love the dynamic between Mick and Maggie and throw in this time the jealousy of Abram which causes a whole other problem for Maggie and the family and it makes for interesting reading. I also got a kick out of  Mrs Hubbard the nosey cantankerous neighbor who reminds me so much of a neighbor we had when I was young and the way her and Aunt Meme are always arguing is so entertaining. I can just picture it all, I just love the quirky characters. They add a special element to the story.

This is a wonderfully quirky, fast moving, exciting cozy mystery with a good plot and interesting puzzle to be solved.  I can not wait for the next adventure for Maggie and Mick.

If you like a good mystery with a little bit of mischief and magic thrown in add in a touch of romance and extraordinary characters then be sure to read this book and series.

If you would like to purchase this book and why wouldn't you? Here is the link:

Purchase links:

Author Links:

Tonya has written over 20 novels and 4 novellas, all of which have graced numerous bestseller lists including USA Today. Best known for stories charged with emotion and humor, and filled with flawed characters, her novels have garnered reader praise and glowing critical reviews. She lives with her husband and a teenage boy (her other three boys have spread their wings in college) and two very spoiled schnauzers in Kentucky.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

All You Need Is Fudge by Nancy Coco A Recipe For Another Great Mystery

All You Need Is Fudge A Candy Coated Mystery by Nancy Coco/ Nancy J Parra is another fantastic, fun and great cozy mystery. It is one in a series of books that you just can't get enough of. I can't wait for the next one to come out.

Allie and Mal her dog have pulled a dead body out of the water and right before the annual yacht race on Mackinac Island. When her boyfriend Trent's sister Paige is accused of being the killer Allie has to prove she had nothing to do with the murder. When Allie starts nosing around things get dangerous for her when a  trap is set for her. Will Allie be able to clear Paige, find the answer to who killed the victim Carin and why before she or someone else is hurt? 

This book has all the ingredients that keep you turning the page and wanting more. It has an interesting plot with the murder of a society girl that is known for being a so called mean girl.  Add in the highlight of being set on the quaint Mackinac Island. Then there is the characters that make you want to move right into the McMurphy Hotel, where you can almost taste and smell the fudge from the fudge shop and it all adds up to a charming, fast paced can't put it down mystery. It is a mystery that has twists to the plot that makes it not predictable and enough different suspects and angles that you have to keep reading to find out whodunit. Throw in a little romance, a lot of good recipes and you have a book you won't want to miss. I have read all the books in this series and they just get better with each book and did I mention it also has great recipes like Fudgie Cheesecake Brownies yum!

I enjoyed this book and think you will too. Don't miss this one. This is the fourth book in this series but you can read it as a stand alone if you want, but why would you want to when the other books are excellent too.
I received this book from the author for my honest opinion and review.

The other books in this series are:

If you would like to learn more about this book, the author or her other books check out her website at:

If you would like to purchase this book you can at:

Until Next Time:


Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Sizzling 5 Star Mystery in Grilling The Subject by Daryl Wood Gerber

Grilling the Subject (A Cookbook Nook Mystery) by [Gerber, Daryl Wood]

Yee Haw another great book in  Grilling The Subject A Cookbook Nook Mystery by Daryl Wood Gerber.

Crystal Cove is having a Wild West Festival where you can find wild west theme fun throughout the town as well as at the CookBook Nook where Jenna has cookbooks for all kinds of BBQ and Katie has rustled up some really spectacular bbq western themed recipes that make your mouth water. BBQ, rides, races and all sorts of fun is happening but then when Jennas father's neighbor, the trouble making, land grabbing, irritating Sylvia Gump is murdered and Cary Hart Jennas father is the number one murder suspect then things become unsettling and interesting. Jenna has to clear her father and find out who murdered Sylvia, which could be a number of people who she has made mad at her, before someone else ends up dead and her dad ends up in jail. Can she rope the  killer, prove her dad innocent and insure that the cookbook nook keeps up with the wild west festivies?

This is probably the best book in the series so far. Each one has been good and each one has been better than the last. It is a fun, fast paced, but not predictable mystery that I really enjoyed. It is so easy to picture being in the small town of Crystal Cove and enjoying the Wild West fun and festivities. Coming from a city that has BBQ festivals I really could picture being right in the middle of all of it with the smell of smoking meat and bbq in the air. Then there are the  characters that could be friends of mine and who doesn't want the eccentric intuitive Aunt Vera as part of your family. The all around theme, small town, mystery and characters make this a book you won't want to miss.

If you like a good mystery that has unique characters, an interesting plot and enough surprises and suspects to make it not the usual predictable mystery you will want to read Grilling The Subject.
It also has mouth watering recipes like BBQ muffins, which I can not wait to try and bbq sauce recipes  included in the book and who doesn't like that.

I highly recommend this book and give it 5 stars. It is the 5th book in the series but it can be read as a stand alone if you haven't read the  others. Really though I would recommend  reading them too.

Don't miss out on this book you will enjoy.

I received this book from the author for my honest opinion and review.

If you want to learn more about this book and the other books in the series then checkout this website

If you would like to buy the book go to this link



Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Fixin' To Die by Tona Kappes A New Favorite Series

 I loved Fixin' To Die A Kenni Lowry Mystery by Tony Kappes. It is one of those books you just can't put down. It catches you up right from page one and you gladly go along on the ride to find the killer right up to the final pages and  the surprise ending. The only problem is when it's over it leaves you wanting more and wishing it hadn't ended.

Kenni Lowry has become sheriff after her Poppa, who was sheriff, dies. Things are going smooth but then she is hit with a murder and a theft all in one day to solve. A State Reserve officer is sent to help, the gorgeous Officer Finn and she gets a surprise helper too in that the ghost of her Poppa comes to help. Can Kenni solve these two crimes and keep the trust and respect of the people of the small town of Cottonwood? Who is the killer and how is it all connected? Will Kenni be up for the job? Will she find the killer before anything else happens?

This is a quirky, funny, full of surprises,book with great unexpected plots that all add up to a wonderful mystery with a surprising ending. I like when you think you have a mystery figured out only to find you had it all wrong. The small town with all the unusual characters makes up a fantastic part of this book too. I could just picture going around town with Sheriff Kenni while trying to solve the mysteries. Add in the Ghost of Poppa and a good looking Reserve policeman Finn and you have an extra element that makes this book great. I have a new favorite series with new  favorite characters. I can not wait for the next book in this series.

 If you love a great mystery, with many viable suspects, a surprise ending and you love a little romance thrown in with the paranormal you will want to read this book. Remember to give yourself the time to read because once you start you will have a hard time putting it down.

 I have to add to that there were times I laughed out loud like when Kenni starts laughing hysterically
" A little giggle escaped me, turning into a hysterical laugh that caused me to take a seat on the edge of the tub, looking at myself in the full-length mirror. As much as I tried to keep it in, the laughter poured out of me and tears piled up on my eyelids." I laughed right along with her and had to explain to my husband what was so funny. I had tears when Kenni goes to Poppa's grave and talks to him. " Tears stung the rims of my eyes at the sheer thought of Poppa being gone"  As the reader you get caught up in the emotions right along with the book. It is a fun, fast paced and excellent book. I highly recommend that you read this book and  get to know Kenni Lowry and the rest of the people of Cottonwood.

I give this book 5+ stars.

If you want to purchase this book you can at

Tonya Kappes has several really good series and books so if you want to check her out and learn more about her other books go to her web page at

Until Next Time: