Thursday, June 6, 2013

Summer Reading What are you Reading

The last few days have been hectic at our house. We had a flat tire, with no spare and I think we bought a whole forest of Rubber Trees for the price we paid for a tire. Then our daughter had surgery on her elbow and they had to reattach her tendon. Then she went to the ER because her arm was hot to touch and she was sick an they found she has an infection at the surgery site. She was given antibiotics and is doing better now so finally I hope, saying with fingers crossed, that things are settling down.

Getting back to books I decided to make a list of books I want to read this summer but find there are so many good ones coming out that it is really hard to narrow down just a few. What are you planning on reading? Have any suggestions for me to read or books you have read that you could suggest to me?

Here is a list of the ones I know for sure I am reading over the summer:

1. Gem of a Ghost (A Ghost of Granny Apples Mystery #3) by Sue Ann Jaffarian
2.The Curse of the Holy Pail (An Odelia Grey Mystery, #2) by Sue Ann Jaffarian
3. The Yada Yada Prayer Group (The Yada Yada Prayer Group #1) by Neta Jackson
4. Murphy's Law (Molly Murphy Mysteries #1) by Rhys Bowen
5. A Cookbook Conspiracy (A Bibliophile Mystery #7)  by Kate Carlisle
6. Final Sentence A Cookbook Nook Mystery by Daryl Wood Gerber
Of course there will be others that I will read and review this summer but these are the ones on my list to read for sure. Maybe you could read them with me and let me know what you think of them. I love to connect with you and hear what you think. Till the next time:



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