Saturday, January 28, 2017

Fantastic Enjoyable Cozy Mystery

Scene of the Climb (Pacific Northwest #1) by Kate E. Dyer-Seeley is a fantastic enjoyable cozy mystery.

Wow what a book. It ranks right up there with Nevada Barr and her National Parks Mysteries.

Meg is a journalist who really needs a job and lands one literally by accident with the Northwest Extreme Magazine when she bumps into Greg who owns the magazine and  by fudging and saying she is an experienced  outdoor person who can hike the tough trails. When her boss Greg assigns her to cover the Race the States event will he finally find out that she really lied about her experience in hiking? Then Lenny one of the contestants falls to his death right in front of her on the trail and she is sure that the way he flew over he was pushed. Meg starts to investigate all the people involved with the race but someone doesn't want her to. Things get dangerous and Meg finds herself in harms way. Can Meg find the answers to Lenny's death, keep her job and stay alive?

This a cozy mystery that has a klutzy smart character in Meg as well as a quirky Grandmother, good friends Matt and Jill and a good looking mysterious boss . The outdoors theme adds an extra element that really makes this a great mystery. The many possible murderers keeps you guessing with a surprise or two also. Just when you think you have it figured out another twist is inserted. This is a good, fun, exciting mystery with many credible suspects, with twists and turns and surprises.It has an ending that leaves you with questions and wanting more. I look forward to reading the other books in this series.

Here is a link to purchase the book:

If you want to check out the author and her other books here is a link to her website:

Until Next Time:


Monday, January 2, 2017

Edge of your seat Suspense in Close Call by Laura DiSilverio

I am challenging myself to read 52 books this year or more. I read several different genres but mystery and suspense are my favorites. First book of the year is Close Call by Laura DiSilverio.

Wow what a book to start the year off. This is an edge of your seat, hold your breath, fantastic, suspenseful book. I loved it and once I started  I couldn't put it down. I found myself caught up in the story and when Sydney was caught in the  cross hairs of an assassin I found myself holding my breath willing her to move and not get shot.  I am a big fan of Tom Clancy books and Robert Ludlums Jason Bourne and this book is right up there with them.

When Sydney inadvertently picks up the wrong cell phone , which happens to be the burner phone of an assassin, and gets a call saying it was  time to kill Montoya that's when bad things start happening. Her fiancé Jason is killed by mistake when the assassin mistakes him for Sydney, because he assumed the name meant it was a guy. He has to make it right and still kill his contract while dealing with Sydney, the loose end. Sydney wants to find out who killed Jason, get the police to believe her that there is a contract out on Sen. Montoya and still stay alive. Things keep going wrong and people have to be killed and Sydney needs to find the killer without getting killed. Can she do it? Her sister Reese tries to help but ends up shot and now Sydney is on her own to find the answers. Can she find out who the killer is and more importantly who contracted  him? Will she survive? Will the people around her survive?

I like how Laura DiSilverio makes the story about both the struggles of Sydney and the assassin. She lets us see the story unfold from both of their perspectives and it adds to the story. She has an excellent suspenseful plot  and well developed characters and story line.  The story just flows and the whole time I was reading this book I was thinking this would be such a good movie.

I hope if you like a good suspenseful read then you will read this book.

If you want to learn more about this book and her other books you can at:

If you would like to purchase this book you can at:

I hope you will check this book out.

I received a copy of this book from the author for my honest opinion and review

Until Next Time: