The Secret A Seacliff High Mystery by Kathi Daley is an excellent teen mystery that I also enjoyed reading.
As a kid I loved Nancy Drew and yes even Hardy Boy Mysteries. I wanted to be friends with Nancy to go out to solve the mysteries with her. I stoked my love of reading and my love of mysteries with these books. That's what this series and book reminded me of my love for Nancy Drew.
Alyson and her mother have moved to Cutters Cove OR and into the old Cutters Mansion after they had to be put in the witness protection program. They have to start over and this is just the place to do it in a small town where no one knows them. Alyson has to go to the High School there, which is new to her since she always went to a private school in her past life, and immediately she makes friends with Mac, Trevor and Eli. They all become fast friends and that friendship grows when they decide to help Alyson solve the mystery of Cutter's Mansion and find all of the secrets the old place holds. Is it haunted by the past occupant, does it hold treasures? This is what they have to figure out and they find some interesting history as well as some danger while trying to solve the mysteries. Can they figure it all out and can Alyson do it with out anyone finding out about her past?
This book may be for teens but it is just a fun fast good mystery that even an adult can enjoy reading. I love how the author incorporates the history of the family and mansion with the mystery that keeps you guessing and wanting to read more. I think this book is good for a teen but we as adults can't go wrong with reading it either.
I will be reading the rest of the series later. This one is a hit. I recommend it.
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Until Next Time: